Monday, December 21, 2020

Questions about Finny

 Okay question for you guys...

Finny the Goldfish. I always found it odd that this character got his (or her?) own title card. Finny appeared in Feast And Furious with Katnip which is where the title card comes from. Did Finny the Goldfish appear in any other cartoons or Harvey comic books? I can't figure out if he did or not! Also do you guys think that Famous Studios thought that there would be another cartoon with Finny in it? That seems like the only logical reason to have a "featuring Finny" card attached to the film. Or was there and I'm wrong?


  1. Not at all uncommon for Famous to have title cards for one-shot characters--Off the top of my head, there's Martin Kanine from Fido Beta Kappa (1954), and Kitty Kuddles from Kitty Cornered (1955). I'm sure someone will chime in with others.

    1. Thanks for responding. I know that there were title cards from one shot characters. However, Martin Kanine and Kitty Kuddles and Snapper all seemed to be characters that COULD have become stars. Finny seems an impossible character to be considered star material because it's hard to make new stories with a character whose silent and confined in a small space without very limited personality.

  2. Another one off the top my head is Lightning the racehorse in Ups an' Downs Derby (1950).

  3. There's also the hungry lion from Pleased to Eat You (1950). They went as far as giving that character a title card even though they never bothered to name him.
