Monday, November 26, 2018

5 Great Hippety Hopper Cartoons

I am not going to review every Hippety Hopper cartoon. I'm just going to post and share the 5 best (in no order) Hippety Hopper cartoons.

Hop, Look and Listen
The first is Hop, Look and Listen. This is the first cartoon with Hippety Hopper and is what began the plot that would be the concept for the Hippety Hopper cartoons to follow.

Hippety Hopper

This is the first cartoon where Hippety is given a name. It is also the second cartoon with the kangaroo. This cartoon's premise would later become the premise for the record.

Pop 'im Pop! 

This cartoon introduces Sylvester Jr. Sylvester Jr. would play a key role in many of the cartoons featuring Hippety Hopper.

Hoppy Go Lucky
Hoppy Go Lucky is actually based on Of Mice and Men. It still has the same basic plot as the other cartoons though. It doesn't feature Sylvester Jr. It features a cat named Benny who goes with Sylvester to catch a mouse for Benny to have as a bet. Benny keeps calling Sylvester, "George". When Sylvester says to stop calling him George because his name is Sylvester, Benny says "But I can't say Sylvester George." Benny is voiced by Stan Freberg.

Bell Hoppy 

This cartoon has some of the funniest gags. Sylvester has to bell the biggest mouse of all in order to join a clan of cats. He keeps getting blackballed but eventually gets into the Loyal Order of Alley Cats Mouse and Chowder Club. 

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