Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hippety's Name: Mistakes made due to Lobby Art and Green Frogs

Often Spelled.
On numerous cartoon books and references, Hippety is spelled Hippity. It's official name is Hippety though as that is how it is spelled in the cartoons and on most of the art.

The Original Spelling

In the first cartoon, Hop, Look and Listen, Hippety didn't have a name. His second cartoon, Hippety Hopper is titled after the kangaroo's now official name. That wasn't the original spelling though. The spelling wasn't the often misspelled Hippity spelling either. On the draft of the lobby card of the cartoon, the cartoon is spelled Hippitty Hopper.

A Similar Name
When I was looking to know more about Hippety, I was often mistaken with asking about Hoppity Hooper. It's an honest mistake as they both are very similar names. Hoppity Hooper is a frog made by Jay Ward. After a pilot called, the Green Hopper, they decided to changed the name of the frog. Hoppity's name was actually going Hippity Hooper. Jay Ward changed it to Hoppity Hooper because of it's similarity to Hippety Hopper's name.

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